
Oct 20, 2011

Swapping without third variable

Swapping/Swap without using third variable in C/C++

It was never been so hard to swap number variables without using third variable, however there are many ways to do it but it seems that swapping  variables using addition and subtraction operators are the best way to go.
For instance, assume two number variables ‘a’ and ‘b’

a = 10; b = 12;

Now, if a = a + b; then ‘a’ would be 22. Hence, ‘a’ is a combination of ‘a’ and ‘b’ , so if ‘b’ is subtracted from ‘a’ , it will return the value of ‘a’.

a = a + b; // summation of both 22
b = a – b; // remain the ‘a’, which we are taking in b. 22 – 12 = 10
a = a – b; // remain the ‘b’, which we are taking in b. 22 – 10 = 12

Now we can see the code for swapping variables using addition (+) and subtraction (-) operator without using the third variable:

(See the code very carefully how pointers in functions can help to use the memory location to swap)

/* | Author     : Alim Ul Karim               |
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   | Code tested on CodeBlocks , GCC Compiler |
   | Example of Swapping in C/C++, Save in .cpp       |

#include <stdio.h>

//using without using third variable, using addition and subtraction , save as .cpp file
void swap_using_add(int &a, int &b){
    //no need to change if a=b
    if ( a == b ){ return;}
        a = a + b;
        b = a - b;
        a = a - b;

int main(){
    // save as .cpp file
    int a = 10 , b = 12;
    int backup_a = a , backup_b = b;

    swap_using_add(a , b); // save file as a .cpp format
    printf("Swap using addition, subtraction :\nFrom(a=%d,b=%d) to a=%d , b=%d\n\n" ,
    backup_a , backup_b , a ,b);

    return 0;


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Swap using addition and subtraction,

Swapping using addition and subtraction ,

Swapping using addition without the third variable ,

Swapping numbers in C ,

Swapping variables in C ,

Swapping variables in C++ ,

Swap variables in C++ ,

Swap variables in C,

Swapping without using the third varible in C

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